Anatomy Learning
Explore the human body with VIVED Anatomy interactive 3D Models
VIVED is trusted by 3000+ schools and 2,000,000 students
Unlimited Lab Time
VIVED is perfect for teacher led learning or independent study. Students can access the VIVED models at home or at school, on any device.
Boost Attainment
Our research-backed approach improves retention of knowledge and increases understanding of spatial relationships between important anatomical parts.
The VIVED Platform is intuitive and easy to use, making it ideal for quickly reviewing anatomical structures before a lab test or examination.
Accelerate your Anatomy studies with VIVED
VIVED Anatomy is the result of 10 years of research and development into the best ways to help students learn anatomy. Our highly detailed and accurate 3D model of the human body is fully dissectible, enabling students to explore anatomical structures, layer by layer.
The VIVED platform has over 150 interactive anatomy models and activities.
Explore our ‘Muscles of Mastication’ activity now!
The VIVED Anatomy Experience

VIVED 3D Models
Our 3D model of the entire human body allows students to explore and learn about the different systems and structures within the body. It provides detailed and accurate representations of the bones, muscles, organs, and other systems, and allows users to manipulate the model to see different views and understand how the body works.

Students and Professionals
The VIVED platform is a powerful and versatile resource. It’s a valuable tool for students of anatomy and physiology, as well as healthcare professionals who want to refresh their knowledge or study specific areas in more depth.

Teachers and Educators
Teachers and educators can use the VIVED library of 3D models to create their own interactive activities. The VIVED Content Creation Platform is an intuitive tool for creating high-quality, bespoke resources.